Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 2012

Well I have made it through five weeks at work and just don’t have the energy to do the things that I want. It was good I had the 4th off it took me all day to just trim a few plants around the house. It has been almost a year since I started my chemo treatment. To be here and doing what I am seemed so far away at the time. I have learned a lot this past year and know more than ever how temporary this life is. I am grateful for the opportunity of the last year and the short time I have ahead of me. Life takes on a whole new meaning, most of all when you become so dependent on others for the simplest things of life. Work is that necessary thing required so that you can sustain yourself. I am so thankful that I did go to work for the government it was a hard decision at the time but what a blessing it has turned out to be. I love being around military members and the people of all faiths that I can share my life with. The struggles of the past year are gone, no longer is that the big thing in life today it is just my hope and prayer that I can be a good employee and hold up my end of the bargain.  I get back to work and find others who have come down with cancer since I left in my own building two while I have been gone and several others on base also. Even more who have family members contending with this disease? I love the lord and all those who have prayed for me. I could not do this on my own and I actually had little to do with the whole process. I was more of an observer than anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I have a quick question about your blog, would you mind emailing me when you get a chance?


